Monday, April 2, 2018

Does taking picture in public make you nervous? Here are the tips you've been looking for.

If you have ever met me in real life then you know I’m a bit shy and also really awkward in person. 

When it comes to filming or taking pictures in the comfort of my own home though? That’s my life!  However, outside of my cozy little environment I tend to be really self-conscious. I become totally fixed on my surroundings and can barely concentrate. When I notice people looking at me on the street during a photo session my legs become as stable as an Ikea table on sale and my heart starts pounding like an EDM concert. Unfortunately, if you love taking awesome shots out in public then this is something that might slow you down on your way towards greatness. 
The main reason why I get so shy and nervous when taking outdoor pictures is the fear of people thinking I am narcissistic or conceited. Trust me, this is not the case at all. I just really enjoy sharing my love for fashion with my instagram little world. I really appreciate great sceneries and capturing beautiful memories through the lens of my camera. Also, being a content creator sometimes I have collaboration engagements that require a certain number pictures or videos for social media.
With that being said, here are a few ways to make it more... bearable. 

1 - Choose a touristic spot to shoot. 

It’s a perfect place NOT to feel uncomfortable. Most people around you will also be taking pictures, so you won't feel as awkward or weird. Plus, touristic sites often have the most gorgeous sceneries, which is great for beautiful pictures. I mean, not very unique but at least you will be able to tag the location of the picture, which will help make it easier for people to find your pictures (FYI, tagging the location of the picture is a great way to maximize your social media growth... You’ll thank me later). So there is a bit of a give and take with tip number one (#youwinsomeyoulosesome). 

2 - The early bird get's the worm. 
If you are not a morning person you are probably rolling your eyes or preparing to skip to tip number three. Wait! Just hear me out for a second. The best way to avoid crowded places for a photo shoot or film/vlog session is to wake up early and beat the morning rush. On top of that you have a great chance of catching a breath-taking sunrise. Another convenient factor about going out early is that if it’s a warm day shooting earlier in the day helps to avoid that 12 p.m. heat wave. So no more sweaty, “I just took a quick jog around the block.

3 - Avoid Week-Ends in downtown areas. 
If you are a not a fan of people, clearly try to avoid busy times of crowded downtown areas. Literally, hundreds of fast walking people, speeding bikes, and crazy traffic. I mean it can be really intimidating. So if you have the possibility of shooting on a weekday, early in the morning I would strongly recommend it. 

4 - Try Filming or taking pictures with a friend. 
It's always less awkward if you are not the only one in front of the lens. So go vlog with a good friend! Have a photography session with another blogger friend or just someone who wants a couple of nice pictures on their Instagram feed. 

5 - Practice makes perfect! 
Go ahead and practice a couple of cute poses at home that you are comfortable with so you won't have to think about it too much while you are outside. Try declaring positive affirmations in front of the mirror to help boost your self-confidence. You will also need to practice relaxing your face in front of the sun or bright lights. Now I know this sounds silly or like a big waste of time but you will not regret it. The most annoying thing is to roll around in front of a camera for an hour taking a hundred shots only to find in almost every shot your fist balled up, your hip looking dislocated and your eyes squinting (#speakingfromexperience).

6 - Find a cul-de-sac or a dead-end road. 
Meh, not much to add here. However, this is a great way to avoid traffic circulation and people!

7 - Get a lil bit Tipsy 
This is only if you are above 18 (or 21 depending on where you are in the world).  A little bit of alcohol in your system may help you relax just a bit. I will say that this tip may not work for everyone. Personally, alcohol makes me pretty sleepy and borderline useless to society.

8 - Make sure you are comfortable with your photographer. 
If you are not comfortable taking pictures outside you will want to avoid adding more factors of discomfort (cold weather, wanting to pee really badly, being hungry, etc.). Making sure you are totally comfortable with the person behind the camera will make the whole experience A LOT more pleasant.  After booking a photo session, try meeting up with your photographer at least a couple of times to talk before the shoot. It would also be a great idea to try to ask a friend, a member of your family or your Instagram husband/wife to take your pictures. Let’s also not forget that this will definitely save you some coin. This is will extremely awesome if he or she loves photography as a hobby and is really good with a camera or an iPhone.

9 - Find a pleasant distraction 
Standing up for a long time while someone takes your picture could become super annoying pretty quickly. For the picture, you should definitely try holding your phone, reading a book, leaning against a wall or sit on stairs. It will be less awkward than standing up straight for long periods of time just wiggling your fingers. 

10 - Fake it till you make it! 
         Just suck it up sister (or brother)! To be quite honest, no one really cares that much about you taking pictures in public. The reality is that people barely notice or pay attention to you, they probably have a job to get to. It's actually mostly in your head.  Honestly, you might be the only one making a big deal about it. So just get out there, look confident, stand up straight, smile, be fierce, be bold and be your creative gorgeous self! You will definitely get more and more confortable with each shot. One day you won't even notice people around you anymore (… Well, except for the occasional #photobomber). So go ahead queen! The street is your runway! 


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